¥25,138 JPY ¥25,300 JPY
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Product Number | ZEROF-00586 |
Compatible Car | HONDA CIVIC FERIO EG9 |
Product Description | EG Civic Ferio genuine type front lip spoiler Genuine type urethane material front lip spoiler. The genuine product has been discontinued, so if you are looking for it, this is a must-see! Since it is made of urethane, it is flexible and does not break easily like FRP. It is also ideal for use in low-down vehicles. Unpainted. It will be black resin. |
Remarks | * This product is designated for shipping by "Seino Transportation" due to its size and weight. * Basically, we do not accept the designation of the delivery company. Or it is not possible due to the size. In the case of shipping by Seino Transportation, it cannot be delivered to your home. The delivery address will be addressed to companies such as shops, factories, and stores, or will be stopped at the nearest Seino Transportation office. You can also pick it up at your office. Please note that if you really want to deliver to your home, we will add the company name before your name. (Example) 〇〇 Shokai, 〇〇 Co., Ltd., etc. |
Notes | Images are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary. |